Objects Searching

Command Format

NameSpace.name(requiredParameters, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

flags - search filters:

  • fast - the search stops on the first found object;

  • near - search for the nearest object to the character;

  • mobile - search only for alive creatures;

  • item - search only inanimate objects;

  • human - search only for humanoid creatures, types: 0x0190-0x0193, 0x03DB, 0x03DF and 0x03E2;

  • live - search only for living creatures;

  • dead - search only for dead creatures, types: 0x0192 and 0x0193.

  • injured - Searching for a friend with lowest HP (works only for FindFriend/FindEnemy).

  • next - Searching for next object (works only for FindFriend/FindEnemy).

  • ignorefriends - ignores friends(Introduced in OA

  • ignoreenemies - ignores enemies (Introduced in OA

When using human, live or dead - mobile flag is set automatically.

When using next - fast flag is set automatically.

notoriety - Wickedness of the desired character.

  • innocent/blue

  • friendly/green

  • gray

  • criminal

  • enemy/orange

  • murderer/red

  • invulnerable/yellow

distance - The search distance.

In addition to numerical values, it can take string constants: finddistance, usedistance, opencorpsedistance.

void Orion.UseType('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF], ['container'=self], [recurse=true]);

Search for an object by type and color in the container.

  • graphic - Type or list of types. 0xFFFF is ignored.

  • color - The color or list of colors. 0xFFFF is ignored.

  • container - The container in which the search is performed.

  • recurse - Recursive search for sub-containers.

void Orion.UseFromGround('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF], ['distance'=useObjectsDistance], ['flags']);

Search for an object by type and color on the ground.

  • graphic - Type or list of types. 0xFFFF is ignored.

  • color - The color or list of colors. 0xFFFF is ignored.

  • distance - The search distance.

  • flags - Search filter flags.

bool Orion.UseTypeList('listName', ['container'=self], [recurse=true]);

Search for an object from the find list in the container.

  • listName - The name of the find list.

  • container - The container in which the search is performed.

  • recurse - Recursive search for sub-containers.

Result: true if the object was found and used.

bool Orion.UseFromGroundList('listName', ['distance'=useObjectsDistance], ['flags']);

Search for an object on the find list on the ground.

  • listName - The name of the find list.

  • distance - The search distance.

  • flags - Search filter flags.

Result: true if the object was found and used.

StringList Orion.FindType('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF], ['container'=backpack], ['flags'], ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance], ['notoriety'], [recurse=true]);

Search for an object by type and color.

  • graphic - Type or list of types. 0xFFFF is ignored.

  • color - The color or list of colors. 0xFFFF is ignored.

  • container - The container in which the search is performed.

  • flags - Search filter flags.

  • distance - The search distance.

  • notoriety - Wickedness of the desired character.

  • recurse - Recursive search for sub-containers.

Result: List of found serials.

void Orion.Ignore('serial', [state=true]);

Set / remove the ignore flag on the serial object.

void Orion.IgnoreReset();

Remove the ignore flag from all objects.

GameObject Orion.FindObject('serial');

Result: an object of type GameObject or null.

int Orion.Count('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF], ['container'=self], ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance], [recurse]);

Returns the total number of items (the number of items, not the number of objects found).

  • graphic - Type or list of types. 0xFFFF is ignored.

  • color - The color or list of colors. 0xFFFF is ignored.

  • container - The container in which the search is performed.

  • distance - The search distance.

  • recurse - Recursive search for sub-containers.

Result: the amount of items.

void Orion.ResetIgnoreList();

Reset the use of the ignore list.

void Orion.UseIgnoreList('listName');

Use ignore list listName.

StringList Orion.FindList('listName', ['container'=backpack], ['flags'], ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance], ['notoriety'], [recurse=true]);

Search for an object in the find list.

  • listName - The name of the find list.

  • container - The container in which the search is performed.

  • flags - Search filter flags.

  • distance - The search distance.

  • notoriety - Wickedness of the desired character.

  • recurse - Recursive search for sub-containers.

GameObject Orion.ObjAtLayer('layerName', ['serial'=self]);

Result: an object of type GameObject in the specified layer of the object 'serial' or null.

String Orion.FindFriend(['flags'=fast], ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance]);

Searching for a friend serial from friends list.

  • flags - Searching filter flags.

  • distance - Searching distance.

String Orion.FindEnemy(['flags'=fast], ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance]);

Searching for an enemy serial from enemies list.

  • flags - Searching filter flags.

  • distance - Searching distance.