Gump Object

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

int gump.Serial();

Returns gump serial.

int gump.ID();

Returns gump id.

int gump.X();

Returns gumps X screen coordinate.

int gump.Y();

Returns gumps Y screen coordinate.

bool gump.Replayed();

Returns true If gump response was already made.

int gump.ReplyID();

Returns response button id if Replayed() was true.

StringList gump.ButtonList();

Returns a list of all buttons within a gump.

StringList gump.CheckboxList();

Returns a list with all checkboxes within a gump.

StringList gump.RadioList();

Returns a list with all radio buttons within a gump.

StringList gump.TilepicList();

Returns a list with all tile pics within a gump.

StringList gump.GumppicList();

Returns a list with all gump pics within a gump.

StringList gump.EntriesList();

Returns a list with all text entries within a gump.

StringList gump.CommandList();

Returns a list with all commands within a gump ( in same order as received from server ).

StringList gump.TextList();

Returns a list with all strings within a gump ( in same order as received from server ).

String gump.Command(index);

Returns gump command by index.

String gump.Text(index);

Returns gump textby index.

bool gump.Select(hook);

Selects gump by a hook object (GumpHookObject).

Returns true if successfull.

void gump.Close();