Shop List Editor


  1. Goods for buy/sell list.

  2. List with vendors goods.

  3. << - Copy selected item from vendors list.

  4. Graphic - Item type. If equals -1 or 0xFFFF - it will be ignored when goods list will be analyzed to buy/sell.

  5. Color - Item color. If equals -1 or 0xFFFF - it will be ignored when goods list will be analyzed to buy/sell.

  6. Price - Maximum item price to pay when buying or minimum price when selling. If equals 0, limits won't apply.

  7. Count - Amount of items to buy from a stack. If equals 0, the entire stack will be bought.

  8. Name - Item name, if empty, this item won't be considered.

  9. Comment

  10. Add shop item

  11. Remove shop item

  12. Save changes

  13. Exit