Launcher - Updates


  1. Aviable updates List of files available for updating.

  2. Progress of downloading and installing updates.

  3. Check updates Request information about updates.

  4. Apply updates Apply updates if they are available.

  5. Cancel download Cancel current downloading process.

  6. Get Orion.dll for FW Use this ONLY if you are playing on Forgotten World server.

  7. Show changelog Open window with all patch notes (currently doesn't contain last notes if you using English language option in Orion Launcher).

  8. Open backup dialog Show new window where you can download older version of OrionUO.

  9. Check updates in all Orion folders Use only if you are playing on multiple different servers and each of them using standalone OrionUO, all OrionUO locations must be added in Orion path to make this function working properly.